Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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Ep. 10. How to Make Risky Decisions as a Freelancer With Confidence


Freelance CEO podcast
The Freelance CEO Podcast with Mat Casner
Ep. 10. How to Make Risky Decisions as a Freelancer With Confidence


Taking the leap to become a freelancer is a risky decision. And, as a business owner, we are constantly faced with decisions that involve risk.

Risky decisions used to keep me paralyzed and kept me from moving forward.

What I share in this episode is the exact process that I follow when facing a risky decision. In fact, this is the process that I followed when I took the leap as a full-time freelancer over 15 years ago.

The process is still serving me well today and I’m happy to share the secret with you.

The Freelance CEO Podcast is live

The Freelance CEO Podcast is live

Well... It's finally here! My podcast debut! Have you ever had a goal that seemed within reach but for one reason or another just took a lot longer than expected (or hoped)? I did... I've had a dream of starting a podcast for years. As I've been working with other...

Welcome to The Freelance CEO Podcast

For additional freelance training, resources and community, visit, freelanceceo.com The Freelance CEO Podcast shares proven strategies to help you launch, build and scale a purposeful and profitable freelance business. I'm a multi-passionate creative, marketing...